By Richard A. Coyle The classic phaser one mostly resembles an electric razor, a fact not missed by the cast andcrew, and acted upon in an out take on the blooper reel where, after stalking menacing towards the camera, the men suddenly start "shaving" with their phaser ones. Yes Virginia, there was a rising plate on the top of the phaser one. I still remember the early days at conventions how we used to debate the existence of this feature rarely high-lighted by any close-ups. Surprisingly this up-down plate shows up in the very first aired show "The Man Trap". In the scene where Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock beam down to the planet to find Prof. Crater. Captain Kirk says to Mr. Spock, "Set your Phaser on one quarter, I'll leave mine on stun." Mr. Spock thumbs his phaser one's setting knob on top of his Phaser two and the hood pops right up. The plate on the early black and white models were often a piece of brass plate painted
black. Just behind and partly under Table of Contents